Soul, electrified

Transforming a car launch into a social content engine for the electric Porsche of tomorrow.

For decades car launches have pushed creative boundaries in the way they reveal the latest models and technology. In spite of the rapid evolutions made in design and engineering, the launch formula hasn’t ever been truly reimagined to deliver an experience that isn’t just designed for the few, but for the many.

We designed the Porsche Taycan launch to fight the old ways of thinking and create an electrifying showcase launch befitting the first all-electric sports car Porsche has ever built.

With a curated exhibition narrative around the key features of the new car, we created a dynamic reveal sequence perfectly framed to deliver a socially-rich piece of content that could live beyond a moment in time.

With two runs in London and Manchester, we turned a typical one-off car launch into a 4-day Porsche brand experience that supercharged the excitement and passion of new owners, potential buyers and all those curious about the game-changing car.



